February 2017

Japan PI >> Blog >> 2017 >> February
Credit Score

The Pecuriality of Japanese Credit Bureau

We have three domestic credit reporting agencies in Japan. They are not the government credit bureau, but the subsidiaries of multiple financial institutions. The data of credit reports must be used solely for financial lending purposes by the Banking Act. It can’t be used for the general due diligence for consumers. Financial institutions are sharing these databases by joining the membership of the credit reporting agencies. Therefore, the industries of

House Investment

Real Estate Property Investigation

Due Diligence on Real Estate Properties At Japan PI, we support real estate investors to Japanese properties with various kinds of investigative demands. Prices of Japanese real estate properties remain to the lowest level for the past 25 years. Along with the gentle practice of Japanese tenants, Japanese real estate properties are known to be the trajectories of steady yielding investments. However, real estate dealing prices are shared only with

Cheating Asian Wife

Cheating Spouse – Cultural Aspects in Japan

Infidelity is often a secret fear of many couples. Unfortunately, those fears may sink into reality. According to research conducted by the > Associated Press, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy just last year, in a whopping 41% of marriages, one or both partners admitted to either physical or emotional infidelity. Couple those statistics with frequent business trips or military deployment and the numbers only increase. Japan is a country

Credit Score

The Pecuriality of Japanese Credit Bureau

We have three domestic credit reporting agencies in Japan. They are not the government credit bureau, but the subsidiaries of multiple financial institutions. The data of credit reports must be used solely for financial lending purposes by the Banking Act. It can’t be used for the general due diligence for consumers. Financial institutions are sharing these databases by joining the membership of the credit reporting agencies. Therefore, the industries of

House Investment

Real Estate Property Investigation

Due Diligence on Real Estate Properties At Japan PI, we support real estate investors to Japanese properties with various kinds of investigative demands. Prices of Japanese real estate properties remain to the lowest level for the past 25 years. Along with the gentle practice of Japanese tenants, Japanese real estate properties are known to be the trajectories of steady yielding investments. However, real estate dealing prices are shared only with

Cheating Asian Wife

Cheating Spouse – Cultural Aspects in Japan

Infidelity is often a secret fear of many couples. Unfortunately, those fears may sink into reality. According to research conducted by the > Associated Press, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy just last year, in a whopping 41% of marriages, one or both partners admitted to either physical or emotional infidelity. Couple those statistics with frequent business trips or military deployment and the numbers only increase. Japan is a country

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