February 23, 2017

Japan PI >> Blog >> 2017 >> February >> 23
Credit Score

The Pecuriality of Japanese Credit Bureau

We have three domestic credit reporting agencies in Japan. They are not the government credit bureau, but the subsidiaries of multiple financial institutions. The data of credit reports must be used solely for financial lending purposes by the Banking Act. It can’t be used for the general due diligence for consumers. Financial institutions are sharing these databases by joining the membership of the credit reporting agencies. Therefore, the industries of


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Credit Score

The Pecuriality of Japanese Credit Bureau

We have three domestic credit reporting agencies in Japan. They are not the government credit bureau, but the subsidiaries of multiple financial institutions. The data of credit reports must be used solely for financial lending purposes by the Banking Act. It can’t be used for the general due diligence for consumers. Financial institutions are sharing these databases by joining the membership of the credit reporting agencies. Therefore, the industries of

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