January 2023

Japan PI >> Blog >> 2023 >> January

Can GPS Trackers Be Used In Covert Surveillance?

The purpose of this article is to explain how laws in Japan and the US affect the use of GPS trackers (including AirTags and so on) without the consent of the target individual. State laws vary from state to state in the United States. We will discuss some typical incidents reported in the news regarding US laws. Nevada Litigation Over GPS Tracker A news article reported that a mayor in


Quick Guide to Divorce And Child Custody In Japan

We will discuss the child custody issues in a divorce. Common Patterns After Divorce In Japan, the mother traditionally raises minor children when a couple divorces. Divorced fathers rarely see their children. The sole custody system still exists in Japan. After a divorce has been finalized, either the father or the mother has sole custody of the children. In most divorces, the mother gets custody and parental authority, and the


Can GPS Trackers Be Used In Covert Surveillance?

The purpose of this article is to explain how laws in Japan and the US affect the use of GPS trackers (including AirTags and so on) without the consent of the target individual. State laws vary from state to state in the United States. We will discuss some typical incidents reported in the news regarding US laws. Nevada Litigation Over GPS Tracker A news article reported that a mayor in


Quick Guide to Divorce And Child Custody In Japan

We will discuss the child custody issues in a divorce. Common Patterns After Divorce In Japan, the mother traditionally raises minor children when a couple divorces. Divorced fathers rarely see their children. The sole custody system still exists in Japan. After a divorce has been finalized, either the father or the mother has sole custody of the children. In most divorces, the mother gets custody and parental authority, and the

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