July 4, 2023

Japan PI >> Blog >> 2023 >> July >> 04
Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance Investigation Practices by Bilingual PI 

Bilingual PIs occasionally conduct investigations on behalf of foreign travel insurance companies. Travel insurance covers injuries and illnesses, property damage, and theft during travel. In addition to research, interpreting, translation, and cross-cultural communication skills are required for insurance-commissioned research. What is a travel insurance survey? Travel insurance investigation is investigating the circumstances related to a travel insurance claim. It is conducted to verify evidence, certified documents, medical records, and eyewitness

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance Investigation Practices by Bilingual PI 

Bilingual PIs occasionally conduct investigations on behalf of foreign travel insurance companies. Travel insurance covers injuries and illnesses, property damage, and theft during travel. In addition to research, interpreting, translation, and cross-cultural communication skills are required for insurance-commissioned research. What is a travel insurance survey? Travel insurance investigation is investigating the circumstances related to a travel insurance claim. It is conducted to verify evidence, certified documents, medical records, and eyewitness

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