Written by Goro Koyama

Japan PI >> Articles by: Written by Goro Koyama
Goro Koyama is CEO & Founder of Japan PI Inc., a bilingual private investigations firm with headquarters in Tokyo. Goro has 30 years experience serving domestic and overseas companies and individuals in Japan. He is a member of the Council for International Investigations (CII), World Association of Detectives (WAD), and the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ). He has been featured in the Japan Times & Beacon Reports.
Cheating wife

Cheating Spouse – Male Perspective

The online-dating service that offers adultery at the click of a button, Ashley Madison, launched their internationally famous website in Japan, four years ago. According to Japan Trends, “The website already boasts over 19 million registered users…with a record of 70,000 members added in just the first four days after the launch.” While it may be a widely accepted notion that men are the primary cheaters, especially when on business

Cheating Spouse

Japan-bound Cheating Travelers

Coveing all over Japan Japan PA help you to catch a cheating spouse in Japan. We are specialized in surveillance to catch cheating husband or wife traveling to Japan with their mistress. Our investigators are ready to trip to any tourist’s favorite districts in Japan including Hokkaido, Okinawa, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kyoto as well as our office bases of Tokyo and Osaka. We are the leading surveillance PI specialists to gather


Due diligence on Pachinko Industry

When our customer tries to have a business with Japanese who runs a Pachinko parlor often wonder if they are a member of a criminal organization or Yakuza. However, situations regarding Pachinko business is more complicated than those outside Japan imagine. In short, Pachinko gambling business is not illegal in Japan. Therefore, it is not a type of business crime syndicates would operate. And statistics tell us that about 80%

Okinawa Times

First Meeting In 60 Years Between Lost Siblings

Joyful Meet Up The Okinawa Times covered our long lost family service.   Emotional first meeting of siblings living apart in Okinawa and the United States — after 60 years February 8th, 2016 11:31 Okinawa Times Etsuko Kaneshiro (61), who owns an eatery in Goya, Okinawa, met with her step-brother, Mark Danley (62), who lives in Oregon state in the United States, for the first time and is trying to develop


Strict privacy laws and missing persons case

It is not easy to search for people in Japan due to; Restrictive privacy laws Flaws of government’s documenting system of citizens There are no comprehensive proprietary databases for people search or background checks in Japan, which will be the standard in common law based countries because there are no public records in Japan except for corporate registry and real estate registry records. Even multi-national data broker giants have never

Combination of Investigation

Combination of Investigation

Private Investigation and Consulting for Information Gathering Sometimes private investigators are not perfect in terms of information gathering In Japan due to strict privacy laws and negative perception of PI industry. Therefore, in order to fulfill all the investigation needs, we need to collaborate with attorneys or similar legal professions. You may ask “Why you can’t bet the necessary information even though you’re PI yourself?” It is a good question.

Child Custody Cases put stress on Children

Child Abduction by Japanese Mothers

At Japan PI, we understand a father’s parental rights should be equally recognized. However, certain Japanese legal procedures can make paternal rights an uphill battle. In this post, we will discuss Japan’s preferential treatment to mothers in custody battles and how we can assist you in obtaining equal ground. Preferential Treatment In many cases, Japanese legal procedures operate under two notions: children need their mother and the continuity of life;

Due diligence

Limitations of DUe Diligence in Japan

Directorship search in Japan Company registry records from the ministry of justice are publicly available records, but it is not searchable from the name of subject. Therefore, no directorship search is available. On above grounds, we have no choice but to use multiple proprietary databases: TSR (Tokyo Shoko Research) TDR (Teikoku Data Bank) Registry Records Library (closed community) Big Data Center (closed community) Online media search Paper article search National

Credit Reporting Agency

Poor Credit Reporting Practices in Japan Blur the Lines of Truth for PIs

Unfortunately, in Japan, credit reporting agencies operate under poor business practices. The company law disclosure requirements make it difficult for private investigation agencies to receive accurate, high-quality information.In this post, we will discuss: What Are THe Credit Reporting Agencies? There are two types of credit reporting agencies; those that report on either individuals or businesses. Usually, the information is acquired through credit card companies, credit unions, and banks. The purpose


Uber Lands in Hot Water after Hiring Investigation Firm to Dig Up Dirt on Plaintiff in Lawsuit

Uber’s Investigation Methods Led to a Perversion of Justice The widely popular transportation network company, Uber, was caught in a legal scandal regarding misrepresentation under false pretenses in the Meyer v. Kalanick court case this year. According to official court documents, Uber attempted to solicit damaging information from the plaintiff, Spencer Meyer, `and his lawyer. The plaintiff claims, according to Bloomberg Technology, “Uber’s pricing algorithm violates antitrust laws used to

Police mascot was given as a prize for the arrest of cop killing fugitives.

Hunt for Shinjuku cop killer

In the evening of February 23, 2014, Goro KOYAMA, our lead investigator happened to encounter a reckless driving car, apparently running away from from patrol cars, with making their way by hitting other cars at Shinjuku, Tokyo. The fugitives, man and woman, later turned out to be a cop killing drug addicts who had run over two cops, threw away their dented car in the corner of a narrow street,

Okinawa Times


人探しで涙の初対面 当社の調査成果が沖縄タイムズで取り上げられました! 沖縄と米国で暮らすきょうだいが涙の初対面 60年の時を経て 2016年2月8日 11:31 沖縄タイムズ沖縄市胡屋で飲食店を営む金城悦子さん(61)が、米国オレゴン州に住む異母兄のマーク・ダンリーさん(62)と初めて対面し、互いの絆を深めている。昨年4月に亡くなった父親のドナルド・ダンリーさんの遺言書で沖縄に妹がいることを初めて知ったマークさんが、悦子さんの所在を突き止めて1月末に来沖した。悦子さんは兄の存在を知っていたが「まさか会えるとは思わなかった」と60年を経ての対面を喜んでいる。  父ダンリーさんは1953年3月から1年間、陸軍兵として沖縄に駐留した後、米国に戻った。悦子さんは母親から住所を教えてもらい84年に父親を沖縄に招待。その際、異母きょうだいの兄のデービッドさん(63)とマークさん、妹のデアさん(54)がいることを教えてもらったという。  その後、音信は途絶えていたが、昨年肺がんのため84歳で亡くなったダンリーさんの遺言書に悦子さんの名が記されていたことから、マークさんは悦子さんの存在を初めて知った。東京の調査会社に依頼して突き止め、昨年6月インターネット電話スカイプを使って初めて会話した。  マークさんは「人生で一番の思い出。お互いに泣いた」と振り返る。妻のケイさん(62)と1月末に来沖したマークさんは悦子さんに、米国にいる他のきょうだいや家族を写したアルバムをプレゼント。また悦子さんの長女里奈さん(38)には、長兄デービッドさんが幼少時に着ていたまつりの法被を贈った。悦子さんは沖縄駐留時代の父親の写真を見せ、会話を弾ませた。  マークさんは今月9日まで滞在する予定。3日、悦子さんの営む飲食店でマークさんの歓迎会が開かれ、常連客から花束を手渡されたマークさんは「会いたくないと言われるかもと心配もあった。本当に感動している」と感極まった様子。悦子さんはマークさんと仲良く腕を組み、「小さいころ、兄がいたらいいな、腕を組んでみたいと思っていたが、その夢が実現した。きょうだいと認めてくれてうれしい」と喜んだ。 対象者の長女の里奈さんからのメール “遅くにすみません。小山さんのお陰で、会うことが出来ました。本当にありがとうございました。Markさんは小山さんに物凄く敬意をはらっています\( •̀ω•́ )/ありがとうございます☆” “小山様の、忍耐と熱意。その一生懸命さのおかけで今回、こう言った素晴らしい異母兄妹の絆と他のファミリーの絆をもっと、もっと大きな宝にして下さいました。リサーチ会社は本当にご苦労も多い事だと思います。大変な事も、私達の想像以上だと思います。でも、こうした消えかけた縁が再び繋がり合う縁もあるという事、そして、その架け橋となる、小山様の様な人柄とお仕事を、どうか、これからも自信を持って頑張って下さい(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡お父さんへの電話まで、たどり着くまでの経緯は本当に大変だったと思います。小山さんからの電話は父が入院中でしたので、この入院がまだまだ、延びていたら、この日が来る事は無かったでしょう。奇跡的とは有りましたが、小山さんの、さがす!っと言う気持ちや行動が奇跡を呼んだのだと私は確信しております♡(´,,•ω•,,`) 依頼者のMarkさんからのメール Mr.Koyama I cannot tell you how pleased I am for your work. I doubt my testimony will give you any additional work, but if you would like a statement from me regarding how you conducted yourself, please let me know and I will do so. I have been texting Etsuko’s family using LINE, and we’re

Data breach

PI Industry Reputation Damaged in Japan through Criminal Use of Services

How Criminals Tarnished the Reputation of Private Investigation Services in Japan. In the private investigation industry, not everyone is looking for a lost loved one or wishing to conduct a background check. There are instances where criminals attempt to utilize private investigation services for their own gain, which can produce disastrous results. Case 1: 2010 “Yakuza” Japanese Mafia Use PI Services for Police Blackmail (Source Link) The Japanese Mafia, known

FSA Blacklists

Investment cold callers blacklisted in FSA

We have more and more Japan related investment fraud cases where fraud companies that pretend to have a physical address in Japan defraud investment money from foreign customers. They are categorized as “Cold Callers” and more and more those entities are being black listed on Japanese FSA website. They have a Japanese local phone number and a physical address in Tokyo, Osaka or Yokohama. But often the case, they do


Citizen documentation system in Japan

ID number system kicked in 2016 A comprehensive ID number documentation system (My Number) put in practice in Japan in 2016. But the database of this system is used for official purposes only. Therefore, just for ID verification purpose s, complicated double documentation system is still in use: Residential registration system for municipal government or “Juminhhyo“ Family registration system or “Koseki“ Juminhyo Residential registration is registered at a city hall

Reunion of siblings

Reunion of Sibilings

Reunion of lost siblings over 60 years, between US and Japan 人探しで涙の初対面 当社の調査成果が沖縄タイムズで取り上げられました! 当社は、外国顧客への調査サービスを提供する日本では数少ない探偵社です。 ガラパゴスと呼ばれる特殊性の強い日本と諸外国とのカルチャーギャップを埋める調査サービスを提供し、常に国際的な視点に立って活動しています。 そうしたいつもの活動が報われ、日米に分かれて生まれ、お互いの存在を知らぬまま暮らしていたきょうだいを60年の時位を経て初対面させることができました。 この成果が新聞(沖縄タイムズ)に取りあげられ、依頼者と対象者から感謝の言葉をいただきました。 First reunion of siblings Our case on Okinawa local newspaper!!! We commenced surveillance on this case, researching American client’s sister in Japan. As we located the sister’s address, the siblings between Japan and the U.S. were finally able to meet. Okinawa local newspaper took up this case, and the siblings gave us a

Where are you now?

How much is locating someone in Japan?

How much is locating someone in Japan? It is a frequently asked question, but it is very difficult to answer because it depends on your situation. Basically, Japan is a country of strict privacy laws. There are no public records which are searchable only from a name. So it is very difficult to even to judge if it is possible to find the person. Typical obstacles in finding someone in

Registered mail

Residence verification – tips for self private investigation

Residence verification Question The client lost contact with her friend Joan Doe and the last contact was by e-mail on xx August 20xx. She lives at 1-1-1 Chiyoda, Chiuoda-ku, Tokyo. Her date of birth is xx Feb 19xx. Nationality is Canadian. The client wants to ensure that she is OK and wants to communicate to her that he wants to hear from her. Answer Why don’t we send a registered

Site visit investigation on the perpetrator of traffic accident

This is the picture of the perpetrator of  traffic accident who repeatedly neglected the process service from a district court via post office. In Japan, court documents must be served by a post delivery man. And they will never do a service by placement even though the method is valid by laws. Nor will they do public records check or a neighborhood inquiry. So if they fail to serve the


Find out the dispatch company of the deadbeat dad

We got a case from an American ex patriot single mother who needs to find out the employment of the father of her son who is a Japanse engineer and doesn’t pay the child support after he designed the previous employment this year. Both of them are living in Tokyo. He has been an engineer working for foreign based automobile industry. We have done employment investigations twice in the past.

Civil asset recovery in Japan

Civil asset recovery in Japan Unfortunately、Japan does not have any laws regarding pre-litigation private investigation, nor does have broad discovery procedures. Therefor, it is currently almost impossible to realize a civil asset recovery as a legal system. No name search on publicly available records Real estate, corporate records and civil and criminal case records are publicly available, but in fact, they are not searchable from the name of subject’s parties

Business Credit Report

Background check in Japan

Restrictive privacy laws First of all, due to restrictive privacy laws, background check in Japan is much more difficult than other English speaking countiries. Education verification: Mostly possible for those of 35 years old and older. A particular letter of attorney is required for complete verification. Employment verification: Possible but, obtaining a letter of attorney from the candidate is preferable. Bankruptcy: It is a public record. But the problem is

Finding Missing Person

PI to assist police to apprehend attempted murderer

We happened to encounter a fleeing two fugitives in car who attempted to kill policemen in Shinjuku. We shadowed two fugitives, a male in his 30’s and a young female in her 20’s after they abandoned their car and tried to flee on foot. There were bunch of police cars around there but none of them could saw the fugitives parked their car in the narrow street. We watched them

Stalker Victim

Request From Stalker Murderer

Request Email From Stalker Murderer On November 6, 2012, Ms. Miyoshi Ryohei (33) was stabbed to death by the ex-boyfriend, Hideyuki Kozutsumi (40) = Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, at home in Zushi City, Kanagawa Prefecture. On November 4, Mr. Kozutsumi requested us to locate victims’ home address. Even though we declined his request, another PI agency took on his case, of which result eventually assisted him to murder the victim. Investigation request

Cheating partner

Tips for cheating spouse cases

Client’s confidentiality Our surveillance investigations are 100% confidential. We do everything necessary to ensure the covert nature of the investigation. If we ever perceive that the security of the investigation is threatened, we back off and re-evaluate with your input. Never threaten the subject One important point: Never threaten to hire an investigator. This will make the suspected cheater even more difficult to watch. If you have done this, be

Cheating wife

Cheating Spouse – Male Perspective

The online-dating service that offers adultery at the click of a button, Ashley Madison, launched their internationally famous website in Japan, four years ago. According to Japan Trends, “The website already boasts over 19 million registered users…with a record of 70,000 members added in just the first four days after the launch.” While it may be a widely accepted notion that men are the primary cheaters, especially when on business

Cheating Spouse

Japan-bound Cheating Travelers

Coveing all over Japan Japan PA help you to catch a cheating spouse in Japan. We are specialized in surveillance to catch cheating husband or wife traveling to Japan with their mistress. Our investigators are ready to trip to any tourist’s favorite districts in Japan including Hokkaido, Okinawa, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kyoto as well as our office bases of Tokyo and Osaka. We are the leading surveillance PI specialists to gather


Due diligence on Pachinko Industry

When our customer tries to have a business with Japanese who runs a Pachinko parlor often wonder if they are a member of a criminal organization or Yakuza. However, situations regarding Pachinko business is more complicated than those outside Japan imagine. In short, Pachinko gambling business is not illegal in Japan. Therefore, it is not a type of business crime syndicates would operate. And statistics tell us that about 80%

Okinawa Times

First Meeting In 60 Years Between Lost Siblings

Joyful Meet Up The Okinawa Times covered our long lost family service.   Emotional first meeting of siblings living apart in Okinawa and the United States — after 60 years February 8th, 2016 11:31 Okinawa Times Etsuko Kaneshiro (61), who owns an eatery in Goya, Okinawa, met with her step-brother, Mark Danley (62), who lives in Oregon state in the United States, for the first time and is trying to develop


Strict privacy laws and missing persons case

It is not easy to search for people in Japan due to; Restrictive privacy laws Flaws of government’s documenting system of citizens There are no comprehensive proprietary databases for people search or background checks in Japan, which will be the standard in common law based countries because there are no public records in Japan except for corporate registry and real estate registry records. Even multi-national data broker giants have never

Combination of Investigation

Combination of Investigation

Private Investigation and Consulting for Information Gathering Sometimes private investigators are not perfect in terms of information gathering In Japan due to strict privacy laws and negative perception of PI industry. Therefore, in order to fulfill all the investigation needs, we need to collaborate with attorneys or similar legal professions. You may ask “Why you can’t bet the necessary information even though you’re PI yourself?” It is a good question.

Child Custody Cases put stress on Children

Child Abduction by Japanese Mothers

At Japan PI, we understand a father’s parental rights should be equally recognized. However, certain Japanese legal procedures can make paternal rights an uphill battle. In this post, we will discuss Japan’s preferential treatment to mothers in custody battles and how we can assist you in obtaining equal ground. Preferential Treatment In many cases, Japanese legal procedures operate under two notions: children need their mother and the continuity of life;

Due diligence

Limitations of DUe Diligence in Japan

Directorship search in Japan Company registry records from the ministry of justice are publicly available records, but it is not searchable from the name of subject. Therefore, no directorship search is available. On above grounds, we have no choice but to use multiple proprietary databases: TSR (Tokyo Shoko Research) TDR (Teikoku Data Bank) Registry Records Library (closed community) Big Data Center (closed community) Online media search Paper article search National

Credit Reporting Agency

Poor Credit Reporting Practices in Japan Blur the Lines of Truth for PIs

Unfortunately, in Japan, credit reporting agencies operate under poor business practices. The company law disclosure requirements make it difficult for private investigation agencies to receive accurate, high-quality information.In this post, we will discuss: What Are THe Credit Reporting Agencies? There are two types of credit reporting agencies; those that report on either individuals or businesses. Usually, the information is acquired through credit card companies, credit unions, and banks. The purpose


Uber Lands in Hot Water after Hiring Investigation Firm to Dig Up Dirt on Plaintiff in Lawsuit

Uber’s Investigation Methods Led to a Perversion of Justice The widely popular transportation network company, Uber, was caught in a legal scandal regarding misrepresentation under false pretenses in the Meyer v. Kalanick court case this year. According to official court documents, Uber attempted to solicit damaging information from the plaintiff, Spencer Meyer, `and his lawyer. The plaintiff claims, according to Bloomberg Technology, “Uber’s pricing algorithm violates antitrust laws used to

Police mascot was given as a prize for the arrest of cop killing fugitives.

Hunt for Shinjuku cop killer

In the evening of February 23, 2014, Goro KOYAMA, our lead investigator happened to encounter a reckless driving car, apparently running away from from patrol cars, with making their way by hitting other cars at Shinjuku, Tokyo. The fugitives, man and woman, later turned out to be a cop killing drug addicts who had run over two cops, threw away their dented car in the corner of a narrow street,

Okinawa Times


人探しで涙の初対面 当社の調査成果が沖縄タイムズで取り上げられました! 沖縄と米国で暮らすきょうだいが涙の初対面 60年の時を経て 2016年2月8日 11:31 沖縄タイムズ沖縄市胡屋で飲食店を営む金城悦子さん(61)が、米国オレゴン州に住む異母兄のマーク・ダンリーさん(62)と初めて対面し、互いの絆を深めている。昨年4月に亡くなった父親のドナルド・ダンリーさんの遺言書で沖縄に妹がいることを初めて知ったマークさんが、悦子さんの所在を突き止めて1月末に来沖した。悦子さんは兄の存在を知っていたが「まさか会えるとは思わなかった」と60年を経ての対面を喜んでいる。  父ダンリーさんは1953年3月から1年間、陸軍兵として沖縄に駐留した後、米国に戻った。悦子さんは母親から住所を教えてもらい84年に父親を沖縄に招待。その際、異母きょうだいの兄のデービッドさん(63)とマークさん、妹のデアさん(54)がいることを教えてもらったという。  その後、音信は途絶えていたが、昨年肺がんのため84歳で亡くなったダンリーさんの遺言書に悦子さんの名が記されていたことから、マークさんは悦子さんの存在を初めて知った。東京の調査会社に依頼して突き止め、昨年6月インターネット電話スカイプを使って初めて会話した。  マークさんは「人生で一番の思い出。お互いに泣いた」と振り返る。妻のケイさん(62)と1月末に来沖したマークさんは悦子さんに、米国にいる他のきょうだいや家族を写したアルバムをプレゼント。また悦子さんの長女里奈さん(38)には、長兄デービッドさんが幼少時に着ていたまつりの法被を贈った。悦子さんは沖縄駐留時代の父親の写真を見せ、会話を弾ませた。  マークさんは今月9日まで滞在する予定。3日、悦子さんの営む飲食店でマークさんの歓迎会が開かれ、常連客から花束を手渡されたマークさんは「会いたくないと言われるかもと心配もあった。本当に感動している」と感極まった様子。悦子さんはマークさんと仲良く腕を組み、「小さいころ、兄がいたらいいな、腕を組んでみたいと思っていたが、その夢が実現した。きょうだいと認めてくれてうれしい」と喜んだ。 対象者の長女の里奈さんからのメール “遅くにすみません。小山さんのお陰で、会うことが出来ました。本当にありがとうございました。Markさんは小山さんに物凄く敬意をはらっています\( •̀ω•́ )/ありがとうございます☆” “小山様の、忍耐と熱意。その一生懸命さのおかけで今回、こう言った素晴らしい異母兄妹の絆と他のファミリーの絆をもっと、もっと大きな宝にして下さいました。リサーチ会社は本当にご苦労も多い事だと思います。大変な事も、私達の想像以上だと思います。でも、こうした消えかけた縁が再び繋がり合う縁もあるという事、そして、その架け橋となる、小山様の様な人柄とお仕事を、どうか、これからも自信を持って頑張って下さい(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡お父さんへの電話まで、たどり着くまでの経緯は本当に大変だったと思います。小山さんからの電話は父が入院中でしたので、この入院がまだまだ、延びていたら、この日が来る事は無かったでしょう。奇跡的とは有りましたが、小山さんの、さがす!っと言う気持ちや行動が奇跡を呼んだのだと私は確信しております♡(´,,•ω•,,`) 依頼者のMarkさんからのメール Mr.Koyama I cannot tell you how pleased I am for your work. I doubt my testimony will give you any additional work, but if you would like a statement from me regarding how you conducted yourself, please let me know and I will do so. I have been texting Etsuko’s family using LINE, and we’re

Data breach

PI Industry Reputation Damaged in Japan through Criminal Use of Services

How Criminals Tarnished the Reputation of Private Investigation Services in Japan. In the private investigation industry, not everyone is looking for a lost loved one or wishing to conduct a background check. There are instances where criminals attempt to utilize private investigation services for their own gain, which can produce disastrous results. Case 1: 2010 “Yakuza” Japanese Mafia Use PI Services for Police Blackmail (Source Link) The Japanese Mafia, known

FSA Blacklists

Investment cold callers blacklisted in FSA

We have more and more Japan related investment fraud cases where fraud companies that pretend to have a physical address in Japan defraud investment money from foreign customers. They are categorized as “Cold Callers” and more and more those entities are being black listed on Japanese FSA website. They have a Japanese local phone number and a physical address in Tokyo, Osaka or Yokohama. But often the case, they do


Citizen documentation system in Japan

ID number system kicked in 2016 A comprehensive ID number documentation system (My Number) put in practice in Japan in 2016. But the database of this system is used for official purposes only. Therefore, just for ID verification purpose s, complicated double documentation system is still in use: Residential registration system for municipal government or “Juminhhyo“ Family registration system or “Koseki“ Juminhyo Residential registration is registered at a city hall

Reunion of siblings

Reunion of Sibilings

Reunion of lost siblings over 60 years, between US and Japan 人探しで涙の初対面 当社の調査成果が沖縄タイムズで取り上げられました! 当社は、外国顧客への調査サービスを提供する日本では数少ない探偵社です。 ガラパゴスと呼ばれる特殊性の強い日本と諸外国とのカルチャーギャップを埋める調査サービスを提供し、常に国際的な視点に立って活動しています。 そうしたいつもの活動が報われ、日米に分かれて生まれ、お互いの存在を知らぬまま暮らしていたきょうだいを60年の時位を経て初対面させることができました。 この成果が新聞(沖縄タイムズ)に取りあげられ、依頼者と対象者から感謝の言葉をいただきました。 First reunion of siblings Our case on Okinawa local newspaper!!! We commenced surveillance on this case, researching American client’s sister in Japan. As we located the sister’s address, the siblings between Japan and the U.S. were finally able to meet. Okinawa local newspaper took up this case, and the siblings gave us a

Where are you now?

How much is locating someone in Japan?

How much is locating someone in Japan? It is a frequently asked question, but it is very difficult to answer because it depends on your situation. Basically, Japan is a country of strict privacy laws. There are no public records which are searchable only from a name. So it is very difficult to even to judge if it is possible to find the person. Typical obstacles in finding someone in

Registered mail

Residence verification – tips for self private investigation

Residence verification Question The client lost contact with her friend Joan Doe and the last contact was by e-mail on xx August 20xx. She lives at 1-1-1 Chiyoda, Chiuoda-ku, Tokyo. Her date of birth is xx Feb 19xx. Nationality is Canadian. The client wants to ensure that she is OK and wants to communicate to her that he wants to hear from her. Answer Why don’t we send a registered

Site visit investigation on the perpetrator of traffic accident

This is the picture of the perpetrator of  traffic accident who repeatedly neglected the process service from a district court via post office. In Japan, court documents must be served by a post delivery man. And they will never do a service by placement even though the method is valid by laws. Nor will they do public records check or a neighborhood inquiry. So if they fail to serve the


Find out the dispatch company of the deadbeat dad

We got a case from an American ex patriot single mother who needs to find out the employment of the father of her son who is a Japanse engineer and doesn’t pay the child support after he designed the previous employment this year. Both of them are living in Tokyo. He has been an engineer working for foreign based automobile industry. We have done employment investigations twice in the past.

Civil asset recovery in Japan

Civil asset recovery in Japan Unfortunately、Japan does not have any laws regarding pre-litigation private investigation, nor does have broad discovery procedures. Therefor, it is currently almost impossible to realize a civil asset recovery as a legal system. No name search on publicly available records Real estate, corporate records and civil and criminal case records are publicly available, but in fact, they are not searchable from the name of subject’s parties

Business Credit Report

Background check in Japan

Restrictive privacy laws First of all, due to restrictive privacy laws, background check in Japan is much more difficult than other English speaking countiries. Education verification: Mostly possible for those of 35 years old and older. A particular letter of attorney is required for complete verification. Employment verification: Possible but, obtaining a letter of attorney from the candidate is preferable. Bankruptcy: It is a public record. But the problem is

Finding Missing Person

PI to assist police to apprehend attempted murderer

We happened to encounter a fleeing two fugitives in car who attempted to kill policemen in Shinjuku. We shadowed two fugitives, a male in his 30’s and a young female in her 20’s after they abandoned their car and tried to flee on foot. There were bunch of police cars around there but none of them could saw the fugitives parked their car in the narrow street. We watched them

Stalker Victim

Request From Stalker Murderer

Request Email From Stalker Murderer On November 6, 2012, Ms. Miyoshi Ryohei (33) was stabbed to death by the ex-boyfriend, Hideyuki Kozutsumi (40) = Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, at home in Zushi City, Kanagawa Prefecture. On November 4, Mr. Kozutsumi requested us to locate victims’ home address. Even though we declined his request, another PI agency took on his case, of which result eventually assisted him to murder the victim. Investigation request

Cheating partner

Tips for cheating spouse cases

Client’s confidentiality Our surveillance investigations are 100% confidential. We do everything necessary to ensure the covert nature of the investigation. If we ever perceive that the security of the investigation is threatened, we back off and re-evaluate with your input. Never threaten the subject One important point: Never threaten to hire an investigator. This will make the suspected cheater even more difficult to watch. If you have done this, be

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