In the evening of February 23, 2014, Goro KOYAMA, our lead investigator happened to encounter a reckless driving car, apparently running away from from patrol cars, with making their way by hitting other cars at Shinjuku, Tokyo. The fugitives, man and woman, later turned out to be a cop killing drug addicts who had run over two cops, threw away their dented car in the corner of a narrow street, Though the man was shot on his ass, they were on the run in taxi. Goro KOYAMA followed them all through for about 15 minutes and reported to #110 (#911 in US) and it finally resulted in the lightening apprehension of cop killing fugitives.

TV News 2014年2月25日
>職務質問の警官はねた車に警官発砲 運転手と警官2人けが 新宿
2014/02/24 FNNニュース東京・新宿区で23日、職務質問を受けた車が、警察官をはねるなどして逃走したため、警察官が、運転していた男に発砲した。撃たれた男警察官のあわせて3人がけがをした。
Shinjuku police chief visited our office to express gratitude
Goro KOYAMA was paid a gratitude visit by Mr. Hidehiko HOSHINO, Shinjuku police chief, on March 3, 2014, because he contilibuted to the immediate arrest of the culprits of attempted murderer of police officer. He was given a police mascot “Pee Poh Kun” as a memory.
“If the fugitives had gone on running away, they could have hurt a lot more people. I really appreciate what you did, Mr. KOYAMA.” said the police chief.