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Last year, pop icon Prince passed away, leaving his 300-million-dollar estate and no will and testament. With both parents dead, no spouse and no known surviving children, an uproarious legal battle ensued with a large pool of hopefuls claiming to be the rightful recipient of the singer’s fortune.
According to USA TODAY, due to the absence of a will, “Prince’s estate could [have] end[ed] up with the IRS (40% of estates over $5.4 million) and the state of Minnesota (16% of estates over $1.6 million).”
In Japan, due to a lack of public records, locating an heir can be even more difficult. However, Japan PI specializes in heir and beneficiary location and probate searches with over 15 years of experience. We are able to serve probate attorneys, trust officers appointed by the court, PI firms outside of Japan and any other legal bodies who must have official documentation of an heir.
In order to locate an heir, one needs to obtain Koseki records. This is the Japanese Citizen Registration System; an official document that every Japanese citizen possesses. All birth, death, marriage and divorce information is held within a single record.
Japan PI can contact the Japanese municipal for you to help obtain the Koseki records. If possible, please provide any of the following information:
– Individual’s Japanese name and date of birth
– Prior Koseki records
– Prior address or district of address in Japan
If this information cannot be provided, our team, in collaboration with legal advisors and additional sources, can obtain Koseki records. Our group of international contacts allows us to trace heirs even if they are no longer in Japan.
As one of the few bilingual private investigation firms in the country, we are able to allow smooth communication during our heir search with international clients without the hassle of hiring a translator. The following is a list of services we provide:
· Locating Heirs and Heir Searches
· Locate Beneficiaries
· Probate Research
· Genealogy
· Creating Family Trees
Don’t leave the potential burden of locating an heir up to chance. Contact Japan PI today for a quote.

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