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Reunion of siblings

Reunion of lost siblings over 60 years, between US and Japan







First reunion of siblings

Our case on Okinawa local newspaper!!!

We commenced surveillance on this case, researching American client’s sister in Japan.

As we located the sister’s address, the siblings between Japan and the U.S. were finally able to meet.

Okinawa local newspaper took up this case, and the siblings gave us a message expressing appreciation.

The article and message were shown below.

沖縄と米国で暮らすきょうだいが涙の初対面 60年の時を経て

Siblings between Okinawa and U.S. were Finally able to meet over 60 years

2016年2月8日 11:31 沖縄タイムズ
Feb. 8th 2016 Okinawa Times


Okinawa City Goya Etsuko Kaneshiro engaged in a restaurant in (61), the United States Oregon to his half-brother Mark Danley who lives (62) for the first time face-to-face, the bond between two of them was deepened. For the first time, Mark had noticed that there is sister in Okinawa in the late father of Donald Danley’s last will and testament in April last year, Mark came to Okinawa the end of January as locating the whereabouts of Etsuko by using Private Investigative Agency. Even though Etsuko had been aware of the existence of a brother, she is willing to face-to-face after 60 years saying “He was the last person I expected to see.”






Markさんは小山さんに物凄く敬意をはらっています\( •̀ω•́ )/


E-mail from Client’s first daughter Ms.Rina.

Thanks to Mr.Koyama we were finally able to meet each other. Thank you very much. Mark appreciated so much, too.

Mr. Koyama’s passion and tenacity did bear fruit and gave us strong ties of family between half-siblings.

This case seemed to be very difficult and I think it is a miracle.

So I hope you continue to have these courageous attitudes to your work!! Good Luck!!


I cannot tell you how pleased I am for your work. I doubt my testimony will give you any additional work, but if you would like a statement from me regarding how you conducted yourself, please let me know and I will do so.

I have been texting Etsuko’s family using LINE, and we’re making plans on a conversation directly with Etsuko (using an interpreter) this next weekend.

Perhaps we shall meet someday, but if not, I hope you know you have made a fundamental difference in my life and with several other people. In my culture, we have a word, mensch, which means a really good person, one whom you can trust and respect. You, sir, are a mensch. It is an honor to have worked with you.

Mark Danley

調査経緯 – 執念と奇跡の結晶

Details of surveillance

American client Mr.Mark had only information of address and telephone number that was moved 30 years ago, family name of the subject(Erabu), her husband name. Add to these, there was a record that some International Communications Association supported Etusko and her father for their meeting.

This information had a little clue because the address had already moved so that we cannot locate the subject and also the telephone number had been changed and furthermore the association had been dissolved more than 10 years ago.

We think Erabu might be Japanese name 伊良部, so we telephoned “Irabu(伊良部) Tomio” as much as possible trying to locate the subject, but it was no answer.

Next, we tried to telephone around the address that was moved but there was no record and we noticed that we were not able to locate her without going Okinawa. So we started a field survey.

Arriving at Okinawa, we commenced research interviewing around the subject’s former address. At first neighbor’s attitude was not so cooperative. However, they suddenly remember they came to be cooperative. Thanks to their cooperation, we could have a clue to the location of the workplace of the subject’s husband. So we visited the former location of the workplace. Arriving at the workplace, some elder worker gave us a clue about the subject’s husband’s address. Then we noticed that the area of the address corresponded to the address that we had seen and once telephoned at our office.

So we decided to go to the address and visited the house, the old man around 60-year-old came out. He was Tomio Irabu, the ex-husband of the subject. We talked to him about the inheritance trying to get his ex-wife location. He talked about his divorce from Etsuko(subject) and her father Donald, and that her daughter Rina knew Setsuko’s address so that we can get subject’s location and contact address.

Finally, we could get in contact with Etsuko, the subject. We visited her place and saw her and her daughter Rina. We gave the documents of the inheritance, our mission completed.

However, one problem came up that how Etsuko and Rina can communicate with American Client Mark because they cannot speak English.

So, we recommended use communication app LINE which has the function of translation so that they can communicate with each other.

That was the end of our investigation.

Thank you for reading!!

We will continue to make efforts to bridge building between Japan and other countries by the investigation.

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