Child Investigation

As a bilingual PI, Japan PI specializes in child investigations such as the return of taken children, custody disputes, refusal of visitation rights, child abuse, and custody status.


International Marriage in Japan

International marriages in Japan have a higher divorce rate than domestic marriages. Cultural and language differences cause communication and understanding problems between spouses from different backgrounds. It’s also been found that Japanese women and foreign men get married a lot in Japan, and these marriages are more likely to end


Quick Guide to Divorce And Child Custody In Japan

We will discuss the child custody issues in a divorce. Common Patterns After Divorce In Japan, the mother traditionally raises minor children when a couple divorces. Divorced fathers rarely see their children. The sole custody system still exists in Japan. After a divorce has been finalized, either the father or

Fichot Hunger Strike

Father on Hunger Strike for Jont Child Custody

Japanese ex-wife of Mr. Vincent Fichot, a Frenchman living in Japan, took away his two children in August 2018. Since then, he hasn’t been able to see his kids. Since July 10, 2021, he has been on a hunger strike in front of Sendagaya Station in Tokyo, calling for the

Hague Child Abduction Case Study in Japan

A Japanese wife took her child away from her home from an American husband. The husband requested us to locate the child. The client lives in the United States, and there was a son born in March 2018. However, in December 2019, his wife took her son and returned from

Child Abduction

How To Apply the Hague Convention of Child Abduction

If your Japanese wife took away your child to Japan or is hampering your visitation right to your child, you can apply mediation of the Hague Convention of Child Abduction through the central authority or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We explain how to apply this procedure in this article.

Child Custody Cases put stress on Children

Child Abduction by Japanese Mothers

At Japan PI, we understand a father’s parental rights should be equally recognized. However, certain Japanese legal procedures can make paternal rights an uphill battle. In this post, we will discuss Japan’s preferential treatment to mothers in custody battles and how we can assist you in obtaining equal ground. Preferential


International Marriage in Japan

International marriages in Japan have a higher divorce rate than domestic marriages. Cultural and language differences cause communication and understanding problems between spouses from different backgrounds. It’s also been found that Japanese women and foreign men get married a lot in Japan, and these marriages are more likely to end


Quick Guide to Divorce And Child Custody In Japan

We will discuss the child custody issues in a divorce. Common Patterns After Divorce In Japan, the mother traditionally raises minor children when a couple divorces. Divorced fathers rarely see their children. The sole custody system still exists in Japan. After a divorce has been finalized, either the father or

Fichot Hunger Strike

Father on Hunger Strike for Jont Child Custody

Japanese ex-wife of Mr. Vincent Fichot, a Frenchman living in Japan, took away his two children in August 2018. Since then, he hasn’t been able to see his kids. Since July 10, 2021, he has been on a hunger strike in front of Sendagaya Station in Tokyo, calling for the

Hague Child Abduction Case Study in Japan

A Japanese wife took her child away from her home from an American husband. The husband requested us to locate the child. The client lives in the United States, and there was a son born in March 2018. However, in December 2019, his wife took her son and returned from

Child Abduction

How To Apply the Hague Convention of Child Abduction

If your Japanese wife took away your child to Japan or is hampering your visitation right to your child, you can apply mediation of the Hague Convention of Child Abduction through the central authority or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We explain how to apply this procedure in this article.

Child Custody Cases put stress on Children

Child Abduction by Japanese Mothers

At Japan PI, we understand a father’s parental rights should be equally recognized. However, certain Japanese legal procedures can make paternal rights an uphill battle. In this post, we will discuss Japan’s preferential treatment to mothers in custody battles and how we can assist you in obtaining equal ground. Preferential

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