Heir Search In Japan From Overseas Clients
Foreign lawyers or trustees often contact us regarding the whereabouts of Japanese heirs. Japanese Citizen Documentation System The citizen record system in Japan is the Koseki family register records. Finding relatives is easy if you have access to the family register. However, it is challenging to access the family register registration. When asked for an heir’s whereabouts from outside Japan, we have to overcome many complicated tasks. You must first

Hague Child Abduction Case Study in Japan
A Japanese wife took her child away from her home from an American husband. The husband requested us to locate the child. The client lives in the United States, and there was a son born in March 2018. However, in December 2019, his wife took her son and returned from the U.S. to a local city in Japan, where she had come from. The client appealed for the return of

Business Practices of Japanese Real Estate Agencies
As a private investigative agency in Japan, we are able to assist the clients who are planning to purchase real estate properties in Japan. Our services include the background checks about the real estate agencies, due diligence of the properties, the location investigation of the missing owners of the real estate properties, and so on. Below are the brief explanations about the type of real estate agencies and business practices

Counter Measures against New Coronavirus
Japan PI has been originally based on an online shop + telework business environment, so the effects from the coronavirus pandemic are minimal. However, it is unavoidable to go out and move during the field investigation, so when moving, all employees at Japan PI take the utmost care in preventing infection. The main business of Japan PI is inbound investigations from overseas (investigations in Japan requested by overseas clients). We

What is the definition of anti-social forces? -about Japanese Mafia-
According to the 2007 Ministry of Justice guidelines, “anti-social forces” are defined as “groups or individuals who pursue economic interests using violence, power, and deception.”Do you think anti-social forces are euphemisms for yakuza or gangsters? Certainly, gangs are included, but they are more widely applied.

Quick Guide of Employment Screenings in Japan
Pre-employment screening in Japan is subject to restrictions such as the Employment Security Act and the guidelines of the Minister of Health, Labor, and Welfare. Therefore, you need to be familiar with legitimate research methods in Japan. You need to get a survey consent form from the candidate. Investigation of suitability and ability You can research the aptitude and abilities of candidates. But you can’t do social class research. Also,

How to Find Someone in Japan
Need to locate someone in Japan for debt collection, asset division, service of process, missing family issues, etc.? We let you know how.

Tips for International Inheritance Tax
Unnecessary Concern of Japanese heirs We often see Japanese heirs get concerned about Japan’s inheritance tax when they hear they are entitled to the inheritance from the US. In fact. no Inheritance tax is imposed in Japan on the inheritance from the US. In Japan, heirs pay inheritance tax. However, in the United States, the deceased person (in fact, the executors of the deceased or the administrators of heritage) pay

How To Find Family In Japan
Koseki records are the perfect family tree generators Koseki records are the perfect family tree generatorsTo trace a relative in Japan or create a complete family tree of a Japanese family, you need to obtain the Koseki family registry records, which comprise the fundamental citizen documentation system in Japan. However, these records are strictly confidential, and you can’t get access to them without knowing the Honseki, the legal domicile of

How To Find Someone In Japan
Type Of Missing Persons We want to know more details such as who looks for who, what kind of clues you have, and so on. The way people are searched depends on that. In Japan, most people don’t want to be found their personal information. The Japanese government also places great importance on protecting privacy over the convenience of finding people. Therefore. Most personal information owned by the government is

How To Hire A PI In Japan
What Services PIs Can Offer The general public knows very little about the private investigation (PI) industry. Ordinary people typically believe that private detectives mainly handle cheating spouse investigations. However, the range of services covered by the PI industry is almost equal to the service range covered by lawyers. Investigation services cover everything from individual problems to corporate problems and international trade frictions. What Services You Need First, you need

Digital Forensics Investigations
The principal policy of Japan PI is result-oriented services. We will adopt any investigation methods that are effective, depending on the specific situation the client needs to solve. In this digital era, there are numerous cases where digital investigations are much more efficient than conventional physical examinations, such as surveillance and interviews. We explain some of the situations where digital forensics play a significant role in fact-finding procedures. The digital

How to Detect Anti-Social Forces in Japan
“What Is Anti-Social Force?” The term ‘anti-social forces’ (反社会的勢力) is officially used by the Japanese government. It refers to the organized crime groups (Japanese Mafia = Boryokudan/yakuza) and their members, corporate racketeers, and groups that have the potential for violence or social unrest. It sometimes includes serial fraudsters, as well. ‘Anti-social forces’ is the euphemistic term for ‘organized crime syndicates.’ However, it is not clear why officials use this euphemistic

Information Request System of Attorneys in Japan
The Japanese government, basically, does not disclose any personal information. Even with the legally permissible reasons, individuals are not allowed to get any third party disclosures from the government offices or companies. PIs are not licensed and not given any privileges in Japan. However, attorneys are given the information request rights by The Attorney Act (The Attorney Act 23-2). Bellow is the translation of the explanation of the Bar Association

How To Apply the Hague Convention of Child Abduction
If your Japanese wife took away your child to Japan or is hampering your visitation right to your child, you can apply mediation of the Hague Convention of Child Abduction through the central authority or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We explain how to apply this procedure in this article. What Is The Hague Convention? The Hague Convention is an international treaty for correcting differences in international civil laws. It

Six Things You Should Know About Japanese Company Registry
1, No Listings Of Shareholders Although the total number of issued shares, etc., are stated, the name of the shareholder is not listed. The company’s articles of incorporation contain the name, address, and the number of shares held by shareholders (founders). 2, The Articles Of Incorporation are Substantially Unavailable Only stakeholders (shareholders and creditors) can view the articles of incorporation. Moreover, after five years have passed since the establishment of

Visit Japan PI (Media Coverage)
Japan PI drew media attention. Here is the interview we had. What kind of business does Japan PI provide? Japan PI is a bilingual detective company that integrates translation and investigation. We mainly handle private investigation services in Japan for foreign corporations and individuals located both outside of Japan and inside Japan. Since we serve exclusively international clients, we provide unique services that no other Japanese investigators do as well

Open Source Intelligence Framework In Japan
This is the list of all the conceivable sites and methods for the open source intelligence in Japan. Most of the sites are membership-based services. In general, the Japanese government has strict privacy protection policy. Please note what is abailabe from open sorce domains is limited. National Gazette 官報 Bankruptcy, Naturalization, National License Holders, etc. 破産、帰化、国家資格合格者等https://search.npb.go.jp/kanpou/ Registry Records 登記簿提供サービスhttp://www1.touki.or.jp/ Supreme Court Records 最高裁判例Courts in Japan 裁判所http://www.courts.go.jp/app/hanrei_jp/search2?reload=1 National Tax Office 国税庁法人番号検索https://www.houjin-bangou.nta.go.jp/ Legal Bureau

Child Custody Investigation Case Study
Child Custody Investigation Case Study: An American grandmother contacted us to ask for help with a child custody dispute with her son. The client learned her American son was living in an apartment in Tokyo with his second wife and an infant who had been born to his first wife. He had lived in Japan for the previous two years, but he began abusing alcohol and had been unemployed for

How to Conduct Death Verification in Japan
Believe it or not, but the fact of death is still considered to be sensitive information in Japan. It is not easy to obtain someone’s records of death. Obituaries are only for celebrities or high-profile individuals. You will never find an obituary of ordinary people in papers. Below is the checklist for the death verification investigation for insurance companies in Japan. Sources Certificate Requirements Mail Order FYI Family

Guest Speech At The PI Seminar – The Way PIs Fight
Our lead investigator, Goro Koyama, was invited as a guest speaker in the PI seminar held on August 7, 2017, at Senshu University, Tokyo, Japan. He was invited as a guest speaker in the symposium session of Mr. Tomonori Takahashi, the attorney at REI LAW OFFICE who spoke about how to find a sign of stalker clients. As he had an experience where he declined the request from the Zushi

Pro Bono Criminal Investigation for Innocence Project
Rescue an Inmate Who Has Been Imprisoned Due to a False Accusation In collaboration with a private investigator in California, we took on a pro bono case to conduct an investigation and locate a witness for a prison inmate who is serving 19 years for an aggravated rape charge which he claims did not happen. The accuser was a Japanese woman who was an international student in California back in

Four Reasons Why Locating Someone In Japan Is Difficult
As a bilingual private investigation agency, we always get inquiries from foreign customers to locate people in Japan. However, there are various obstacles to conducting this type of investigation in this country. Unless the person is a high-profile individual, it is always challenging to locate someone in Japan without a sufficient amount of information due to privacy laws in the country. No public records in Japan First of all, there

Coverage of PRI – Japan Drives People Vanished
Interview from the radio program of PRI Mr. Goro Koyama, our lead investigator, was interviewed by Ms. Alina Simon at PRI (Public Radio International) in February 2017. The program was regarding “The Vanished” in Japan, a nonfiction writing by the French journalist. Mr. Koyama was asked to explain the situation of locating people in Japan. “Japan’s ‘evaporated people’ have become an obsession for this French couple” (PRI Radio, April 25,