Legal Investigation Services
by Japan PI
Assisting Law Firms, Attorneys, And General Counsel
Attorneys, Law Firms and General Counsel rely on Japan PI’s legal investigation services to get facts quickly and efficiently relating to corporate litigation, high stakes litigation or white collar fraud in Japan.
We can gather evidence for your case or trial, we can find a person or witness, conduct an asset investigation, identify information to gain leverage in negotiations, vet expert witnesses, conduct witness interviews, litigation support, or help you bridge the gap between your country and Japan.

Our Services for Attorneys and Law Firms

Service of Process
Service of legal docs from overseas courts, summons, subpoenas & divorce papers.

Witness Services
Locate and develop witnesses for trial. Record witness testimony.

Obtain Legal Documents
Obtain Koseki (family registry) records, divorce certificates, fingerprints certificates, etc.

Asset Search
Find real estate properties, bank account information, and general income.

Skip Trace
Request Skip Tracing of defendants, debt dodgers, fugitives or missing family people.

Find Lost Family
Find Lost Family Members or Legal Heirs in Japan.