
Japan PI >> 联系我们

We know most people have never hired a private investigator. Our multilingual investigator will provide you with a free consultation on how we can help, and offer a free quote for your case.

Our registration flow is as follows:

Japan PI Registration Process

Please refer Working With Us for more details on how to engage with us.

  • 対象者の氏名をご通知いただけると、見積もりの際に非常に役立つ場合があります。
  • 拖拽文件到此处,或者
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • Max. file size: 150 MB.
    • 这个字段是用于验证目的,应该保持不变。

    We accept the following payment options.

    Credit Card

    "I cannot tell you how pleased I am for your work... Perhaps we shall meet some day, but if not, I hope you know you have made a fundamental difference in my life and with several other people. In my culture, we have a word, mensch, which means a really good person, one whom you can trust and respect. You, sir, are a mensch. It is an honor to have worked with you."

    Mark D

    Contact Japan PI

    For more info, contact an English speaking agent now

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